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Women's Encyclopedia of Health & Emotional Healing: Top Women Doctors Share Their Unique Self-Help Advice on Your Body, Your Feelings and Your Life
5.0 out of 5 stars (2 Reviews)
List Price: $17.99
Our Price: $7.49
You Save: $10.5 (58%)
Availability:  Available for immediate delivery.
Published:  January 1, 1993
Binding:  Hardcover
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5.0 out of 5 stars.  A MUST HAVE FOR ALL WOMEN, September 10, 2004
By applegirl (Ecorse, MI)
One of my co-workers recommended this book to me and I am so glad that I decided to buy it. In it is all the information I could ever need in order to begin to educate myself on every aspect of my physical and emotional health. Ladies, we all need to be informed about our minds and bodies. And this book is an excellent place to start. I just can't believe that I got a brand new copy for only 39 CENTS!

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5.0 out of 5 stars.  For Women From Women About Women, July 24, 2003
By The Rebecca Review (The World of Amazon)
"Good marriages are not necessarily based on equality or on evenly divvying things up but on a sense of fairness. It's an overall faith in the relationship that your needs will be met. If not now, then later."

The chapter on marriage is rather harsh for any woman who is about to get married. I'd not recommend it. lol Ok, reality is that there is no happily after. I am so tired of people telling me, "Go find happily ever after." It doesn't exist and they read too many fairy tales. Marriage is work, and those are the facts. It is always easier to leave than to work out the problems. This book is at least very honest in this regard. It is like the woman's "reality check" book.

It is true that women do carry the fantasy around that a knight in shining armor will take them from their slavery and carry them off into bliss. But that is what fantasies are for. To help us deal with reality.

They do have some intriguing lists of what a "Happy Marriage" is.

They also have an interesting comment about "the pain of being with him was stronger than the pain of being without him" in regards to women who seek love from men who can't ever give them what they need or want.

I've owned two copies of this impressive book. Not only does this Women's Encyclopedia deal with health issues, it delves into the deep and often confusing issues pertaining to the emotional life of women.

This is not a medical guide as much as a reference volume. This guide will assist you in your decision making process, but it was not written as a substitute for any treatment prescribed by your doctor.

The Contents Include:

Aging, Anemia, Anger, Anxiety, Birth Control Pills, Blemishes, Body Image, Breast Care, Breastfeeding, Breast Surgery, Cancer, The New Celibacy, Cellulite, Cesarean Section, Childbirth, Child Care, Child-Free By Choice, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Contraception, Cosmetic Surgery, Cystitis, D and C, Dating, Dependencies, Depression, Dieting, Divorce, Dual Careers, Eating Disorders, Endometriosis, Estrogen Replacement Therapy, Exercise, Fatigue, Fibrocystic Breasts, Fibroids, Friendship, Grief, Gynecologists, Heart Disease, Housework, Hysterectomy, Incontinence, Infertility, Infidelity, Inhibited Sexual Desire, Jealousy, Marriage, Married Men, Medical Care, Menopause, Menstrual Problems, Miscarriage and Stillbirth, Money, Monogamy, Mother, Motherhood, Motherhood Versus Career, Motherhood Minus Marriage, Nutrition, Office Romance, Osteoporosis, Overweight, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Physical Abuse, Pregnancy, Pregnancy after 35, Premenstrual Syndrome, Prenatal Testing, Prolapsed Uterus, PSLQ, Rape, Remarriage, Retirement Planning, Role Models, Self-Esteem, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual Harassment, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Siblings, Single Life, Sterilization, Superwoman Syndrome, Thyroid Problems, Vaginal Infections, Varicose Veins, Virginity, Widowhood and Wrinkles.

Whew! They really do cover a lot and it is all fascinating reading.

This is truly a compendium of health problems women experience throughout their lives.

A book that shows you how to take control of your health and your emotions.

I can't believe people are selling this book for one cent. But hey, get one while you can. ;)

~The Rebecca Review

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