McDonald and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent
(10th Edition Hardcover)
Jeffrey A. Dean DDS MSD
Release date: October 6, 2015
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Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry
(4th Edition Paperback)
Angus C. Cameron BDS (Hons) MDSc (Syd) FDSRCS(Eng) FRACDS FICD (Editor) and Richard P. Widmer BDSc (Hons) MDSc (Melb) FRACDS FICD (Editor)
Release date: August 30, 2013
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Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy through Adolescence
(6th Edition Hardcover)
Arthur Nowak DMD (Editor), John R. Christensen DDS MS (Editor), Tad R. Mabry DDS MS (Editor), Janice Alisa Townsend DDS MS (Editor) and Martha H. Wells DMD (Editor)
Release date: August 1, 2018
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Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children
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Gerald Z. Wright DDS MSD FRCD (Editor) and Ari Kupietzky DMD MSc (Editor)
Release date: April 7, 2014
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Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry
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Jane A. Soxman DDS MS (Editor)
Release date: May 4, 2015
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Primary Preventive Dentistry
(8th Edition Paperback)
Norman O. Harris DDS MSD FACD, Franklin Garcia-Godoy DDS MS and Christine N. Nathe RDH MS
Release date: June 17, 2013
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Buteyko Kids Meet Dr Mew: The Complete Buteyko Breathing Method for Children with Guidance from Orthodontist Dr Mew on How to Ensure Correct Facia. Development and Straight Teeth
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Patrick McKeown MA (TCD) FRSB
Release date: May 1, 2011
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Recognizing and Correcting Developing Malocclusions: A Problem-Oriented Approach to Orthodontics
(1st Edition Paperback)
Estaquio A. Araujo DDS MDS (Editor) and Peter H. Buschang PhD (Editor)
Release date: January 26, 2016
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Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy Through Adolescence
(5th Edition Hardcover)
Paul S. Casamassimo DDS MS (Editor), Henry W. Fields Jr DDS MS MSD (Editor), Dennis J. McTigue DDS MS (Editor) and Arthur Nowak DMD (Editor)
Release date: December 13, 2012
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A Color Atlas of Orofacial Health and Disease in Children and Adolescents
(2nd Edition Hardcover)
Crispian Scully MD PhD MDS MRCS BSc, Richard Welbury MBBS BDS PhD, Catherine Flaitz DDS MS and Oslei Paes de Almeida DDS PhD
Release date: November 1, 2001
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