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Transpersonal Hypnosis: Gateway To Body, Mind, And Spirit
By Eric D Leskowitz MD (Editor)
5.0 out of 5 stars (5 Reviews)
List Price: $80.95
Our Price: $32.99
You Save: $47.96 (59%)
Availability:  Available for immediate delivery.
Publisher:  CRC Press
Edition:  1st
Published:  September 28, 1999
Binding:  Hardcover
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Product Description:
Transpersonal Hypnosis presents a multidimensional, energy-based view of human awareness that integrates disparate biological, psychological, and spiritual therapeutic techniques. Each of the chapters - all from world-renowned contributors - includes both a historical overview and the theory behind the development of each technique.

The authors emphasize experimental studies that examine the validity of using hypnotically accessed transpersonal states of consciousness to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Several clinical vignettes highlight the types of medical and psychological symptoms responsive to these approaches. The emerging field of spiritually-influenced treatments is transforming the practice of medicine.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews:  
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5.0 out of 5 stars.  Excellent Introduction to Transpersonal Healing Possibilites, March 27, 2004
By Jack Elias (Seattle, WA)
Dr. Leskowitz has collected a group of articulate and credible sharings from experienced practitioners and researchers in the field of consciousness exploration, including the good doctor himself! They each present theoretical basis and actual case history application of a variety of healing possibilities from regression therapy to spirit release to yoga and energy work. Very inspiring!
I will be recommending this book to students of my own Transpersonal Hypnotherapy courses.

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5.0 out of 5 stars.  Future classic in the Transpersonal field, March 24, 2004
By trancedancer16 (Poughkeepsie, NY)
Transpersonal Hypnosis is a marvelous book. I'm a Trainer for the Nat. Assoc. of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists so when I came across it 2001, I wrote a glowing review of it in our magazine, The Bridge. Since that time I have continued to reference it in my classes and recommend it to colleagues. Transpersonal Hypnosis does an admirable job of covering a broad range of transpersonal topics from energy healing to yoga to past life regression. I personally learned a great deal from Dr. Leskowitz' chapter on Franz Mesmer and how Mesmer's approach to healing was actually closer to energetic healing than what is practiced in modern clinical hypnosis. Stanley Krippner's chapter on altered states healing in tribal cultures was very impressive in the scope of its research and the sensitivity of its treatment of the subject. This is a book that spiritually oriented therapists will turn to time and again. Ground breaking.

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5.0 out of 5 stars.  an excellent, valuable book, March 22, 2004
By Alexander Docker (Cathlamet, WA, USA)
Dr. Leskovitz's excellent book examines and presents information on the increasing interest among therapists (and all those with spiritual leanings) in the use of Transpersonal ideas and theories of human energy systems. It treats consciousness as a fundamental quality of reality: a unifying phenomenon that is not merely a by-product of brain activity. It discusses hypnosis as a means to accessing these transpersonal, meta-ego states of being, and how to develop therapeutic pathways that incorporate these. This book very clearly, and without any use of pompous language, transcends the materialistic, ego-centered focus that dominates the present paradigm ruling the ideas of reality. It will be of immense value to those who are looking to break out of the dull and the mechanical; to move forward and upward into infinitely more subtle realms of consciousness and into the very positive, authentic experiences that such will invite into life. It is of interest not only to therapists, but to all who seek meaning above and beyond the mundane. The ideas and methods here described may be the road less traveled at the moment, but they could become the main highway, as human awareness slowly rises (if it is permitted to do so in our chaotic world) to its true potential.

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5.0 out of 5 stars.  Wow!, March 06, 2004
By Psychotherapist (Boston, MA)
This book is scholarly, beautiful written and , if you have any interest in hypnosis , healing or spiritualty , is a total page turner. It illuminates the mysteries surrounding these lofty topics in a practical, incisive way that made me understand these things in a more clear , profound way than ever before. A great gift for the spiritual seeker or practicing therapist/healer in your life...

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5.0 out of 5 stars.  I recommend this this excellent book, February 29, 2004
By Claire Frederick, M. D., A... (Berkeley, California)
When we begin with the premise that science is a method for constructing models that will help us sort our data, we are compelled to realize that what is thought of as being "scientific" may change radically over time. In "Transpersonal Hypnosis" Eric Leskowitz brings us serious and scholarly tratements of transpersonal issues that are hallmarks of the emerging 21st Century. This well organized, entirely readable, and balanced book is a breath of fresh air. It contains chapters by some of the most original thinkers in the field. It steps into areas that can be intimidating to scientists and deals with them scientifically. It deals with a fascinating spectrum of phenomena, and it opens the mind to the kinds of shifting paradigms that are essential for negotiating the world of complementary and alternative medicine. It is "must" read for a number of people: professionals trained in hypnosis, those interested in complementary and alternative medicine and mind-body healing, the academically curious.

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